The Cloud Migration—On-premises to Public Cloud (AWS, Azure, GCP)

The Cloud Migration—On-premises to Public Cloud (AWS, Azure, GCP)


Cloud migration is the process of shifting digital business operations to a cloud environment. The migration process includes relocating an organization’s data, applications, and workloads to a cloud infrastructure.

“Cloud migration” refers to the transition from on-premises or legacy infrastructure to the cloud. The phrase can also refer to a migration from one cloud to another. Organizations can decide to move all their computing resources to the cloud, but in most circumstances, some applications and services continue to be provided on-premises.

One or more clouds may be involved in migration. Some clouds are private and comprise protected cloud infrastructure that is only accessible to a single business. In contrast, others are public clouds, where services are supplied over a public network. Organizations use both public and private clouds in a hybrid cloud architecture that includes on-premise computing assets.

Benefits of Cloud Migration

The benefits of moving data and workloads to the cloud for your business include the following:

Scalability: The cloud eliminates the physical restrictions on scaling and lowers the cost barriers to adding computers and related infrastructure to a data center.

Cost-effectiveness: The cloud enables you to pay for only the usage-based capacity.

Security: Clouds are typically safe settings that adhere to relevant industry norms and legal requirements. They are secured by security tools, best practices, and rules that cloud providers regularly and broadly update as appropriate.

Accelerated Adoption: Moving apps to the cloud allows your firm to embrace new technologies more quickly and affordably in response to business opportunities.

Businesses usually move their workloads to the cloud to increase operational performance, agility, scalability, and security.

Cloud Migration - On-premises to public cloud (AWS, Azure, GCP)

During cloud migration organization’s digital assets and operations shift from on-premise to the cloud. Cloud migration is similar to physical relocation in that it involves moving data, IT processes, and software from one on-premise data center to another in the cloud. The advantages of moving to the cloud frequently outweigh those of moving physically from a smaller to a larger office. Cost reductions and improved flexibility are typically the two significant advantages seen.

Public, Private, Community, and Hybrid deployment models are among the four categories of cloud. Every deployment model is defined according to where the infrastructure for the environment is located.

Websites and online applications use the public cloud to host their services. Organizations prefer to use private cloud services for sensitive data. You can choose a hybrid cloud if you have a website and sensitive data. A group of organizations can access systems and services through a community cloud. You must select a cloud deployment model that will meet your organization’s needs because each model caters to particular organizational needs.

Major cloud migration server providers worldwide include Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

The world’s most extensive and widely used cloud platform is Amazon Web Services (AWS). It offers paid subscription-based on-demand cloud computing services to individuals, businesses, and government agencies.

Microsoft offers a cloud computing service called Azure. Collecting several cloud computing services, including remotely hosted and managed variants of Microsoft-exclusive technology used to create, test, deploy, and manage cloud-based applications.

The Google Cloud Platform offers various cloud computing services necessary for creating, deploying, scaling, managing, and operating a cloud. The same benefits that power Google products like Google Search, Gmail, Youtube, and Google Drive are available here.

Cloud migration strategy

The highly regarded information technology research firm Gartner lists five strategies for companies moving to the cloud. The “5 R’s” refer to these cloud migration tactics are:


Using the Rehost strategy, businesses choose an IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) provider and rebuild their application architecture on that infrastructure.


Businesses that opt to refactor will employ pre-existing frameworks and code. Still, as in rehosting, they will run their applications on a PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) provider’s platform instead of an IaaS platform.


The strategy involves partially rewriting or enlarging the code base and then deploying it through rehosting or refactoring.


To “rebuild” means rewriting and re-architecting the application from the ground up on a PaaS provider’s platform. Although this procedure might be time-consuming, it also gives developers access to cutting-edge functionality from PaaS providers.


Companies can also entirely replace outdated software and migrate to SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) solutions that outside suppliers have already developed.

Cloud Migration Tools

A set of tools that aid in avoiding frequent mistakes are necessary to migrate data and applications to the cloud. Since many legacy applications are not well-suited for the cloud, an organization’s network must be equipped with tools made especially for migration.

Tools for migration are essential since they streamline and quicken the process while causing the least disruption to your regular business activities. In particular, automated technologies exist to simplify migration and accelerate the procedure.

There are different types of migration tools available, including the following:

  • Software as a Service (SaaS) 

Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions is a cloud-based application that links on-premise data to a target cloud and permits a safe data transfer. 

Examples of SaaS include Dropbox, Salesforce, and Microsoft 365

  • Open source

Open-source tools typically come with high degrees of customization and can be downloaded for free or for a minimal cost.

  • Batch processing

Tools for batch processing are used in mainframe environments to transport massive amounts of data. Batch processing is the method cloud systems use to periodically complete high-volume, repetitive data jobs.

Benefits of moving to the cloud for small and medium enterprises

Medium-sized businesses now have the chance to get to the top kudos for the revolution and innovation in cloud technology. Small businesses now have access to markets previously dominated by larger firms because of cloud technology. It gave SMEs significant competitive advantages and enabled them to compete in a much bigger business environment as everything became on-demand and need-based.

Small organizations can gain much from cloud work, including improved collaboration, simple access, and quick turnaround.SMEs are being given opportunities to expand and expand the scope of their operations. 

Some of the enormous benefits of cloud technology include data protection, storage, zero downtime, managing CRM, resource optimization, use of the most recent software, and an anytime and anywhere resource availability paradigm.

With the use of cloud computing, there is no doubt that cloud solutions have a wide range of benefits for small and medium business owners. Cloud solutions’ scalability and flexibility allow you to advance quickly and seize competitive advantages. 


Cloud technologies enable you to focus on your mission and core competencies while leaving the rest to the cloud platform. We understand your business needs and are ready to help you successfully migrate to the cloud.ABC offers services for application migration as well as data migration. Our team of committed cloud professionals will make every effort to meet your current and future technology needs seamlessly. Migrate confidently, and utilize our superior migration expertise and solutions to help you reach your cloud goals more quickly and consistently. We offer On-premises to public/private cloud migration and containerization(Kubernetes). To assist our customers and ensure efficient service delivery, we combine the strength of IT industry giants platforms like IBM, AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. Learn more by dropping us your queries.

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