Cloud Migration


Cloud Migration

Moving to the cloud is an organization’s logical step toward growth. The cloud can significantly impact businesses that go through the cloud migration process. The total cost of ownership (TCO) will be lower, delivery will happen more quickly, and there will be more options for innovation. Agility and flexibility, two essential qualities to satisfy shifting consumer and industry expectations, come with cloud access.


Organizations are migrating to the cloud from legacy systems to ensure business continuity. Cloud migration is relocating an organization’s digital assets like data, applications, IT resources, and workload from a legacy platform, either partially or wholly, to a cloud infrastructure. 

To increase operational performance, agility, scalability, optimization, and security, organizations use several clouds in the hybrid cloud environment, both public and private. A few of the leading service providers in this domain are AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure.

What compels organizations towards cloud migrations

-Accelerated adoption of technology; By moving apps to the cloud, organizations can embrace new technologies more quickly and affordably, enabling them to take advantage of commercial opportunities.


Scalability; Migration to the cloud removes physical constraints to scalability. Migration reduces the financial limitation of adding servers and supporting infrastructure to a data center.


-Security; Cloud provides a secure environment, and data is protected through advanced security tools and updated policies regularly by the cloud service provider. 


-Cost-effectiveness; Cloud provides a cost-effective solution as it works on the rule of “Pay as you go.” It lets organizations pay for only the capacity they use and offers maximum benefits with minimal effort and costs.


Agility and Flexibility; Cloud agility and flexibility describe the robust ability to develop, test, and launch applications quickly and respond to change when needed.


-Performance, Reliability, and Resilience; Migrating to the cloud ensures low network latency with unparalleled data backups, excellent performance with optimization, and disaster recovery.

Migration Strategies, plans, and checklists

Cloud migration strategy

A comprehensive strategy that defines the project’s success, establishes migration targets, defines a timeframe, compensates for challenges, and is planned for and implemented in advance is crucial to successful cloud migration.


The workload and new features that are planned to be added after migration are important factors to consider while migrating to the cloud. By defining use cases in advance, organizations may develop a sound plan that provides the groundwork for a complete migration process.


Risk analyses, budgeting, security, and the cloud type, public or private, that will host each of the migrated workloads are included in migration strategies. Determining whether to encrypt all or specific categories of data, adhering to rules governing data in motion and at rest, and replication needs are all components of a cloud migration security plan.


The communication component of the migration plan also identifies the roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder in the project. Common cloud migration strategies are:


Re-factor (lift, tinker, and shift): Organization updates the application’s components to meet functional, security, and enterprise standards.


Re-platform; Migrate to an operating system version based on CNaaS platform standards, introducing scaling or automation, thus reducing operational expense.


Re-host (lift & shift); shifting an application from an on-premises host to a cloud service (infrastructure or platform service).

Repurchase; Entails abandoning outdated systems in favor of online services. Enterprises opt to repurchase when an organization’s legacy system is incompatible with the intended cloud environment, and business requirements call for a change.


Retain; Retain some digital assets rather than retire them for technical, security, compliance, or economic purposes.

Cloud migration process

The cloud migration process includes the following:

– A cloud migration checklist

– Cloud migration planning (what, why, how)

– Migrate applications and Data/Business case

– Modernize and move ahead

Cloud migration plan

Moving to the cloud is essential to obtaining updated and real-time performance. As a result, rigorous planning, research, and execution are necessary throughout the process to guarantee that the cloud solution meets an enterprise’s needs. Once the migration strategy is developed and accepted, it is time to move on to the migration planning phases. It is crucial to realize that cloud migration planning shouldn’t just focus on getting there; it should also include what to do after you’re there.


The success of migration can be aided by following a step-by-step strategy. Workload and order of migration are vital in the migration plan. Implementers sometimes occasionally start a migration with just one task to test the process and evaluate the results. Migration plans include a communication strategy for organization executives, implementers, cloud providers, and stakeholders. Migration plans also contain roadmaps, scheduling, project metrics, migration tools, and services. 

Critical elements of a cloud migration plan

For effective cloud migration, the migration plan should include the following elements:

  • Workload
  • Migration order and priorities
  • Timetable
  • Roles and processes definition
  • Performance metrics
  • Stakeholder communication

Cloud migration checklist

Organizations prepare a migration checklist that keeps the project on track by marking each activity as accomplished to make the shift to the cloud easier. The migration checklist includes

  1. Establish the workload that will be moved to the cloud and categorize them according to their complexity, size, and production or not production status.
  2. Locate a cloud provider that is suitable for the workload being migrated by doing research.
  3. Depending on the organization’s workload, decide if a multi-cloud strategy is necessary.
  4. Establish the proportion of the migration that will be handled internally and by the cloud provider.
  5. Perform a cost assessment for the cloud migration.
  6. Prioritize which workload to migrate first.
  7. Create a plan defining the migration schedule and road map.
  8. Find out if the company already utilizes any cloud-based applications and decide whether to keep them as-is or switch to new cloud-based services.
  9. Communicate with stakeholders about pre-post migration.
  10. Security plan for pre and post-migration.
  11. Determine the migration’s KPIs.
  12. Test, review, and adapt as necessary.

Arcana Services

Public and Private Cloud Migration

  • We offer cloud readiness assessment, cloud strategy development, infrastructure setup, architecture redesign, migration, and maintenance on both Public and private clouds.


Containers (Kubernetes)

  • We offer the reliability, availability, scalability, and innovation of products by utilizing the cutting age containers (Kubernetes) technology.


Cloud Services

  • The cloud services we offer include: Cloud Infrastructure Planning, Cloud Infrastructure Management, and Application Cloud & DB Migration

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